2023 Henry Rifle Raffle

Proceeds will support “camperships” for Maryland Scouts

Winner will have the option of one of the following Henry rifles:

Salute to Scouting Tribute Edition .22 S/L/LR


   Freemasons Tribute Edition .22 S/L/LR     


Golden Boy H004 .22 S/L/LR  


Drawing held on November 18th, 2023

** Winner is required to meet ALL State and Federal regulations required **

If you would like to donate and skip the raffle you can do that here: Campership $10 donation.

2022 Campership program is online

Scouters Lodge #236 is happy to announce that we are providing up to four $450 camperships to Maryland Scouts in 2022. Please visit our campership page and fill out the application and send it in. Deadline for submissions is May 16th, 2022.

2020-2021 Henry Rifle Raffle

Proceeds will support “camperships” for Maryland Scouts

Winner will have the option of one of the following Henry rifles:

Salute to Scouting Tribute Edition .22 S/L/LR


   Freemasons Tribute Edition .22 S/L/LR     


Golden Boy H004 .22 S/L/LR  


Drawing to be held on November 20th, 2021

(or once all tickets are sold)

 1 ticket for $5: https://www.paypal.com/instantcommerce/checkout/AYU9UQYJURWF4

3 tickets for $10: https://www.paypal.com/instantcommerce/checkout/QRT7K548E8NTW

7 tickets for $20: https://www.paypal.com/instantcommerce/checkout/F97S9C4WNG5JW

35 tickets for $100: https://www.paypal.com/instantcommerce/checkout/P2LPMMN98Q87Y

** Winner is required to meet ALL State and Federal regulations required **

Traveling Gavel case improvements

The attached pictures are of the “casket” of the masonic Traveling Gavel Showing the “embellishments” that have been done to it.  You can see the brass corners, the two brass “locking” hasps, the paracord-wrapped brass handle and the two escutcheons camouflaging two holes from a previous handle.  You can use these pictures at next Thursday’s “virtual” lodge meeting to show our members what was done to leave our “mark” on the Traveling Gavel.  Nothing was done to the gavel itself.

These pictures should illustrate what work was done on the “casket.”  There were several small screw holes where the previous small (utterly useless) brass hasps were located.  These holes have been filled with wood putty that matches the color of the wood (mahogany) used to make the “casket.”  By the way, a “casket” is the term used for a small wooden chest or box used to hold something of importance/value, in this case, the Masonic Traveling Gavel.  Like all good Scouts, we try to leave things better than we found them.  In this particular case, “Leave No Trace” does not apply.

Scouters Lodge Tyler’s Sword

In Scouting, there is no need or use for a sword of any kind.  The “biggest” blade that a Scout might use would be a kitchen knife in the preparation of food.  With Freemasonry, things are a little different and a Lodge had a guard outside the lodge’s meeting place with a drawn sword to keep away “cowans and eavesdroppers.”
In Scouter’s Lodge 236, we have decided to use wood in a way to tie in those skills we learn in Scouting.  I did some research on the internet about the Tyler’s Sword and found that most of the swords being used by Lodges are either military sabers or swords created commercially for use by fraternal organizations.  Masonic tradition says that the Tyler’s Sword is to resemble the flaming sword(s) the G-d placed with angels at the Garden of Eden to guard against Adam and Eve from returning after being expelled.  It would be interesting is we could design a sword that could actually have flames but we know that that would be ridiculous let alone very dangerous to people and property.  Therefore, we have to come up with a “symbolic” flaming sword.  History shows us that “flaming” swords were developed and used.  These swords were, of course, made of steel but the blades, instead of being straight-edged, were made to have wavy-shaped blades.  In Europe, this style of blade was called “flamberge.”  These swords were quite large, sometimes as long as 4 to 5 feet long.  They required a wielder of that sword to be quite large and strong.  In the Far East, wavy-blade swords were also created but the were not so large and heavy as the European Flamberge swords.  These swords are known as “kris.”  The blades are quite lethal-looking and apparently are quite damaging not only when piercing a person’s body but also in the withdrawal of the blade.

Scouter’s Lodge 236 has taken the idea of the flamberge sword and had one created in wood.  Our Tyler’s Sword has a wavy blade, I believe that the blade and hilt is oak and the cross-guard is black walnut.  At the top of the hilt or pommel, we have added a square-and compasses pin.  On the cross-guard, we’ve added  a plain Scout fleur-de-lis pin.  These pins are on both sides of the sword.  Down one side of the blade, I found small wooden letters and have spelled out “SCOUTERS LODGE.”  Our Scouter’s Lodge 236 Tyler’s Sword was crafted by Isle of Man Woodworking of Delta, Pennsylvania.

2020 Campership Application is online!

Scouters Lodge #236 is happy to announce that we are providing up to four $450 camperships to Maryland Scouts in 2020. Please visit our campership page and fill out the application and send it in. Deadline for submissions is April 10th, 2020.

From the East

First let me thank everyone for electing me as Worshipful Masters of Scouters Lodge #236 for 2020. Second, let me say that I will do my best to not make repeated puns about “2020” and “vision” this year (with one exception that I’ll get to in a bit). I have a number of ideas for Scouters Lodge this year, but I know that I can’t do it alone. I’ve already been at work with the 2020 officers to prepare a calendar of events for the year, which you should see in this trestleboard. Hopefully you will be able to block out many of these dates on your calendar early, so we will be able to enjoy your company. Here are some of the highlights I hope to accomplish this year;
• Handing out our first camperships in 2020. Our rifle raffle did well in 2019, so we should be able to provide 4 camperships of up to $450 in 2020. We are still working on the applications and process, so if you’d like to be involved, please let me know.
• Since that raffle was successful, I’d like to try it again, starting around the April/May timeframe (no later than the semi-annual meeting of Grand Lodge).
• Having a lodge meeting in Western Maryland over the summer. As a traveling lodge, we haven’t really traveled too far out of the Baltimore/Washington area. If this goes well, look for a visit to the eastern shore for 2021.
• A past master’s night/dinner in June.
• I’m also looking into having one or more presentations during our meetings (in a called off state), via teleconference. This is an attempt to reach out to those that can’t physically be at a meeting and also to provide a presentation by a remote presenter. Details and technology are still being worked out for this.
• I’d also like to look into the possibility of constructing a number (10?) portable flag poles, similar to what my son’s pack created, that we could donate to local units.
• Working with the Grand Lodge to have a flag retirement ceremony at Grand Lodge around flag day.
• Having another Open Table Lodge.
• Having a spring and fall “Brotherhood Night”, were we can meet and hang out at a local bar/restaurant and make so others interested in the lodge can attend and get to know us.
In short beyond doing the “regular” activities of a lodge, I’d like to raise the visibility of Scouters Lodge #236 both with Scouting and Freemasonry. (Ok that’s my only “2020-like” reference)
Also, don’t be surprised ifou receive a phone call from me in the upcoming months. I’d like to make sure that I reach out and talk to each of you at least once this year, if not more.
I hope to see each of you at one of our meeting or events this year.