My Brethren,
There is no greater reward or grander honor for a Mason than to be deemed worthy by his brethren to assume the East. We have reached the halfway point in my term as
Worshipful Master, and I can only say that time has flown by.
We must identify good men with a Scouting background and bring them to light.
So, when you find a good man with a Scouting background, who should be offered a
petition…offer it…and when he asks, “what is Freemasonry?”…Tell him…Freemasonry
is a brotherhood, an organization of men from all walks of life who meet as equals, and to
enjoy each other’s company. Then comes the desire for self-improvement, then
community outreach as the brother’s work together to meet the needs of others. If he asks
you, “why should I become a Freemason?” Your answer should be, “I don’t know”. Tell
him only he can ultimately answer that question, and he will only be able to truly answer
after he is a fellow brother. You can tell him why you are a Freemason, and each of us
has our own answer for that!
We recently received another petition for membership! And, will be voting on him
during our July communication, and if elected to receive the 3 degrees of Masonry, we’ll
be initiating him at our communication in August.
We conferred the Knife and Fork Degree in April to Bro. Chris Vetters and W.
Bro. Stuart Cordish. Thanks very much to Bro. Bob Frey who prepared a delicious
chicken dinner, which was enjoyed by all.
The Low Vale on June 4th was performed in the Roman Room due to adverse
weather conditions. We raised three brothers for Amicable-St. John’s Lodge #25, two in
short and one in long form. All of our officers did superb degree work, which was
admired by all in attendance. We received many compliments from the brethren and past
masters who observed the excellent work we do in Scouter’s Lodge #236. I am proud of
the work we do. For a lodge, which was chartered less than two years ago, we do ritual
work better than many lodges, which have been in existence for over 100 years. Thanks
very much to W. Bro. John Ertel for preparing the delicious Chili dinner that evening. It
fed over sixty brothers, and many came back for seconds!
On behalf of all my Officers and myself, we are honored by the privilege to serve
our Lodge, Scouter’s Lodge #236.
Please remember to keep our Country, our Leaders, and our Service Men and
Women in your prayers.
“ A man only learns in two ways, one by reading, and the other by association with smarter people.”
~Will Rodgers, American Humorist and Freemason
Sincerely and Fraternally
Ronald Jay Jacobson, P.M.
Worshipful Master